バーの立て直しのため、I-BACC(アイバック:International Barmen’s Community Club)から派遣されてきたのは、アイバックのトップにして世界でも5本の指に入るバーテンダーの水尾映だった。水尾の作る酒は、バーや店主だけでなく、訪れた客の人生をも潤していく。一人のバーテンダーと一杯の酒が紡ぐ珠玉の物語。大人だけが味わえるぜいたくなひと時を、この一冊とぜひ!
Hello. This is a manga artist, Natsuko Hamaguchi.『Arriba! 2nd season』is the sequel of 『Arriba!』which was published serially in extra issue of Shogakukan petit comic.Unfortunately, as of 2019, 『Arriba!』is only published in Japan and Taiwan.However, once you read the summary which you can find at the beginning of this book, you’ll soon be able to enter the world of 『Arriba!』.『Arriba! 2nd season』was published by a manga artist, that is myself.I, myself had also learnt flamenco for 8 years. Moreover, I love various styles of dancing and theater arts.I would love to explore the world of 『Arriba! 2nd season』with manga and dance lovers.Be sure to check out the next episode.Last but not least, I would be very happy if you could send me a message.Please find me at hnatsuko.Special thanks to all dance and manga lovers around the world.