ガチレスするゾ1年以上前編集I know this was drawn with passion.But I strongly think re-considering how others could find it somewhat understandable both plot, paneling, character......sorry bro, it just looks like a Henry Darger type of outsider art thingy.It was hard to read.0わかるmode_comment1返信favoriteわかるreply返信report通報
名無し1年以上前編集I know this was drawn with passion.But I strongly think re-considering how others could find it somewhat understandable both plot, paneling, character......sorry bro, it just looks like a Henry Darger type of outsider art thingy.It was hard to read.@ガチレスするゾIt’s only 1 chapter. You need to chill. 0わかるfavoriteわかるreply返信report通報
with!!斎藤けん全4巻完結クチコミなし投稿する賀茂口真砂は顔も成績も運動も「普通」な少女。一方、兄の司朗はすべてに秀でたカリスマ生徒会長。文化祭を間近に控える中、真砂をかばった司朗は事故で亡くなってしまう。そして真砂にある異変が…!? 他、「桐島亭の魔法」収録。試し読み
名無し1年以上前English version: https://medibang.com/mpc/titles/fq2209100832103610021996222/自由広場ブラックスターバトルゾーン (Blackstar Battlezone)
ブラックスターバトルゾーン (Blackstar Battlezone)
I know this was drawn with passion.But I strongly think re-considering how others could find it somewhat understandable both plot, paneling, character......sorry bro, it just looks like a Henry Darger type of outsider art thingy.It was hard to read.
It’s only 1 chapter. You need to chill.
賀茂口真砂は顔も成績も運動も「普通」な少女。一方、兄の司朗はすべてに秀でたカリスマ生徒会長。文化祭を間近に控える中、真砂をかばった司朗は事故で亡くなってしまう。そして真砂にある異変が…!? 他、「桐島亭の魔法」収録。