The story is set in a Comic Art School and centers around art student Alex and her classmates. Alex loves Japanese Manga and dreams of one day becoming a famous Manga artist. She meets with Janne who is kind and innocent, Christoffer who is charming but a riddle to everyone. They are Alex’s roommates and also classmates at the Comic Art School. While she is in pursuit of her dreams, many hurdles come along the way. While on the surface Alex seems energetic and happy, a dark past awakens inside of her leaving everyone around her puzzled...
Aspiring Manga Artist Alex and her classmates are getting accustomed to life at The Comic Art School, and immersing themselves in their studies. But Janne can’t stop thinking about a disturbing autobiographical comic he stumbled upon that Alex left lying around, making him worry about her. When a person from Alex’s past shows up at school, Janne sees his chance to find out more about Alex, and what really happened to her...
It’s a new term at the Comic Art School and Alex is going to get published - albeit someone else’s script. Thanks to Janne, Alex’s and Miri’s past are out in the open but Alex can’t seem to move on. Instead she becomes fascinated by a second year student Kouji as she sees a resemblance of Miri in him. When the whole school goes on a class trip to Copenhagen, relationships are put to a test and the drama begins. What is love and what is friendship? Do you have to reach the bottom to truly let go?