
A testimony of a Uyghur man.Please send this voice all over the world.Uighur comics featured by the world media such as The Washington Post, Guardian, Bloomberg, CNN, Al Jazeera, etc.
What has happened to me ~Testimony of an Uyghur man 2~
A testimony of a Uyghur man.Please send this voice all over the world.Uighur comics featured by the world media such as The Washington Post, Guardian, Bloomberg, CNN, Al Jazeera, etc.
パラオと日本 トクベツな国

パラオと日本 トクベツな国

パラオという国を知っていますか?パラオと日本の間には、深くあたたかい繋がりがありました。オールカラー20ページ。内容はパラオ大使館、パラオ本国教育省にご確認いただいております。小冊子として、東京江東ロータリークラブが無料で配布もしており、学校教育現場でも使われています。必要な方は、koto.rc@sweet.ocn.ne.jp までお問合せ下さい。


What Has Happened to Me ~A Testimony of an Uyghur Woman Living in Japan~

What Has Happened to Me ~A Testimony of an Uyghur Woman Living in Japan~

Testimony of a Uyghur woman who lived in Japan and became a naturalized citizen. If her young brother is captured and accuses her of too much horrific oppression in her homeland in Japan, not only herself but also her relatives are interrogated on her behalf. There is no contact with his family. Even in Japan, the Chinese Communist Party continues to monitor and threaten me every day. Unthinkable human rights violations are occurring in our neighboring country. I want as many people as possible to know about this. And these women, who are being invaded and oppressed by China, are also sounding the alarm to us, Japanese people.


楊海英原作「墓標なき草原 内モンゴルにおける文化大革命・虐殺の記録」(岩波現代文庫)の漫画化。日本の敗戦後、中国に支配された内モンゴル自治区。ウイグル、チベットより前に、いち早く侵略され大量の漢人の中で、中華民族になることを強いられながら、モンゴル人であるということを理由に弾圧を受けています。民族を、伝統を、破壊しつづける中国は今も手段を変えながら、破壊を繰り返しています。