
Kanami is a 1st-year high school student who Lady Luck hasn’t shined on in the love department just yet. One night after falling asleep, she is paid a visit by a mysterious figure who leaves her with a most dubious present -- a book of magical tickets that elicit total obedience from the opposite sex for 24 hours. Kanami is naturally skeptical...but will she pass up on this chance to turn her dreary high school existence into a rose-colored one?
Unholy Obedience 1
Kanami is a 1st-year high school student who Lady Luck hasn’t shined on in the love department just yet. One night after falling asleep, she is paid a visit by a mysterious figure who leaves her with a most dubious present -- a book of magical tickets that elicit total obedience from the opposite sex for 24 hours. Kanami is naturally skeptical...but will she pass up on this chance to turn her dreary high school existence into a rose-colored one?
Unholy Obedience 2
Kanami is a 1st-year high school student who Lady Luck hasn’t shined on in the love department just yet. One night after falling asleep, she is paid a visit by a mysterious figure who leaves her with a most dubious present -- a book of magical tickets that elicit total obedience from the opposite sex for 24 hours. Kanami is naturally skeptical...but will she pass up on this chance to turn her dreary high school existence into a rose-colored one?
Unholy Obedience 3
Kanami is a 1st-year high school student who Lady Luck hasn’t shined on in the love department just yet. One night after falling asleep, she is paid a visit by a mysterious figure who leaves her with a most dubious present -- a book of magical tickets that elicit total obedience from the opposite sex for 24 hours. Kanami is naturally skeptical...but will she pass up on this chance to turn her dreary high school existence into a rose-colored one?
Unholy Obedience 4
Kanami is a 1st-year high school student who Lady Luck hasn’t shined on in the love department just yet. One night after falling asleep, she is paid a visit by a mysterious figure who leaves her with a most dubious present -- a book of magical tickets that elicit total obedience from the opposite sex for 24 hours. Kanami is naturally skeptical...but will she pass up on this chance to turn her dreary high school existence into a rose-colored one?


「長い間待たせてごめんね。僕の大事なお嫁さん…愛してるよ」夜道で見知らぬ男に誘拐された結衣。目を覚ますと可愛らしい服を着せられ、綺麗に飾られてはいるけれど窓には鉄板が打ちつけられている部屋に閉じ込められていた。愛おしそうに結衣の名を呼び、抱きしめ、愛撫をする男。「もう大丈夫。これからはずっと二人でいられる」 嫌、触らないで!初めてなのに…! あなたは一体誰なの?? この奇妙な監禁生活の行方は…?


「男を手玉に取ってみたいか?」まだ恋をしたことがないモテない高校1年生・夏波の前に現れた謎の男。彼に渡されたのは異性を24時間完全服従させることができる[服従チケット]!? 「え…??こんなの、本当に効くわけない」と思っていた夏波だったが…。―どんな男も24H屈服させ放題!夏波の高校生活はコレで薔薇色!?



