
Following its decisive victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, all that stood in the way of the Tokugawa Clan and total domination of Japan was the Toyotomi Clan. Hell-bent on seeing the Toyotomi faction extinguished, Tokugawa devised what would be the final and decisive confrontation - the “Summer Siege of Osaka.” With the advantage of sheer numbers on Tokugawa’s side, the defeat of Toyotomi seemed inevitable…until a mastermind general by the name of Sanada Yukimura and his small force rose up to thwart Tokugawa’s designs. The final battle between the two would represent the final page in a significant chapter in Japan’s history…
The Crimson Demon of War 1
Following its decisive victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, all that stood in the way of the Tokugawa Clan and total domination of Japan was the Toyotomi Clan. Hell-bent on seeing the Toyotomi faction extinguished, Tokugawa devised what would be the final and decisive confrontation - the “Summer Siege of Osaka.” With the advantage of sheer numbers on Tokugawa’s side, the defeat of Toyotomi seemed inevitable…until a mastermind general by the name of Sanada Yukimura and his small force rose up to thwart Tokugawa’s designs. The final battle between the two would represent the final page in a significant chapter in Japan’s history…
The Crimson Demon of War 2
Following its decisive victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, all that stood in the way of the Tokugawa Clan and total domination of Japan was the Toyotomi Clan. Hell-bent on seeing the Toyotomi faction extinguished, Tokugawa devised what would be the final and decisive confrontation - the “Summer Siege of Osaka.” With the advantage of sheer numbers on Tokugawa’s side, the defeat of Toyotomi seemed inevitable…until a mastermind general by the name of Sanada Yukimura and his small force rose up to thwart Tokugawa’s designs. The final battle between the two would represent the final page in a significant chapter in Japan’s history…


歴史コレクション一 芹沢鴨&真田幸村

歴史コレクション一 芹沢鴨&真田幸村

新撰組初代局長・芹沢鴨。血も涙もない狂気の男が幕末の世を刹那的に生き急いだ。その人生とは!? 京都の治安を守るため、坂本龍馬、中岡慎太郎ら勤王の志士たちと闘い、反面、女と酒と金に執着した芹沢鴨。その芹沢を暗殺せざるをえなかった同じ新撰組の近藤勇、土方歳三、沖田総司ら。江戸幕府の長く続いた世から、やがて明治の時代へと移り変わっていく激動の幕末をそれぞれの思いで生き、死んでいった英雄たち。 【新撰組初代局長 壬生の狼 芹沢鴨】・【真田幸村の陰謀】の2作品収録!

